Tracy is chairing the ad-hoc "Community Committee" for the 2022-2023 academic year. The re-envisioned mission of the committee will be "to build community within and across all ranks in the Department of Biology and to facilitate the sharing of our passion for biology and commitment to our community within the Department, University, and broader community".
Based on our past initiative to have representation by graduate students and post-docs on faculty committees, Tracy is working with the Graduate Student and post-doc Association and the Biology Outreach and Inclusion Program to identify grads and post-docs committed and excited to serve as a representative on the Community Committee. Within the month the composition of the committee will be finalized and the agenda for the academic year will be established.
Mission: To build community within and across all ranks in the Department of Biology and to facilitate the sharing of our passion for biology and commitment to our community within the Department, University, and broader community.
Values for community building that we aim to encourage in the department:
working cooperatively as a team
understanding challenges
recognizing leadership and service
understanding everyone plays a role
vision for the future
inspiring the next generation
Major Operational Arms of Committee:
Organization and facilitation of seminars and symposia
Coordination of Annual Report (new program)
Coordination of Monthly Newsletter (new program)
Coordination of the Annual Biology Research Symposium (new program)
Management of the Biology Department Core Values Recognition Program (new program)
Facilitation of resource securement for outreach and DEI events programs and initiatives (including annual budgeting)
Chair Tracy Larson
Faculty Robert Grainger
Faculty Mandy Gibson
Staff Member (Seminar Coordinator) Tess Matukonis
BOIP Representative Raegan Bostic
Post-Doctoral Fellow Representative Joaquin Nunez
Graduate Student Representative Taylor Nystrom
More information on the programs available in pdf below. Feedback on any of these programs is very welcome!