Our primary research goal is to uncover how the cellular, organismal and ancestral environments shape natural variation in the spatial and temporal patterns of degeneration and regeneration in the adult vertebrate brain. We combine several approaches including behavioral genomics, comparative neuroanatomy, cellular and molecular biology, and electrophysiology with mechanistic studies to ask questions like: How do differing spatiotemporal patterns of adult neurogenesis arise within and across individuals, populations, and species? How do these patterns change with natural fluctuations and human-driven alterations to the environment? Can we exploit the plasticity and diversity of these patterns to better understand the evolutionary origins of behavior and drive mitigation efforts? How does local tissue environment alter neural plasticity and organismal behavior? Can we exploit diversity in neural plasticity to better understand and treat neurological disorders and disease?

For undergraduate students interested in joining the lab, please read through our lab philosophy and policies for undergraduate research. If you are interested in research for credit, read the example syllabus below.


Current Offerings:
Hormones and Behavior (BIOL4080)

In the Laboratory
We integrate several approaches including behavioral genomics, comparative neuroanatomy, cellular biology, and electrophysiology to study the function and mechanisms of adult neurogenesis.

Outreach and Inclusion
I welcome discussions with potential collaborators and I am always excited to discuss research opportunities with interested undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctoral researchers.
University of Virginia
Department of Biology
Physical Life Sciences Building, Rm 304
PO Box 400328
Charlottesville, VA 22904-4328
Office: (434) 297-7946
Fax: (434) 243-5315
Shipping Address
University of Virginia
Department of Biology
409 McCormick Road, Loading Dock
Charlottesville, VA 22904